Community Projects

Click on each image to read more about the projects.

The Soldiers Wife

The Soldiers Wife

Big Sky Girls

Big Sky Girls

Songs of Murray Street

Songs of Murray Street











In years gone past, songs were the form of documenting our stories – telling the stories of those who had gone before, our histories, our tragedies and our hopes. Songs being the one thing that could communicate those feelings that could sometimes not be voiced.

This is at the very heart of The Soldier’s Wife.

Over the past 10 years, a small group of Queensland songwriters, including Deb Suckling, Roz Pappalardo, Jackie Marshall, Kristy Apps and Emma Bosworth have gone on a truly remarkable songwriting journey – to tell the stories of women whose partners have served in conflict over the past 60 years. To tell the stories of Soldiers Wives and their families and of their personal sacrifice.

The songwriters have talked to over 100 women and their families – aged from 25 to 104 years old. From varying backgrounds and conflicts, from remote and regional areas to inner cities, their personal journeys all have similar themes.

The artists use their voices and their muse to hold legacy to these stories and to share them on stage – these are not just stories of incredible women – they are stories of our history and of the new generation.



Big Sky Girls


Growing the music careers of young regional women is the focus of creative mentoring program BIG SKY GIRLS, and  over the years has seen young female songwriters from regional Queensland supported through a six-month mentorship aimed at creative development and establishing music careers.

BIG SKY GIRLS focuses on songwriting and performance skills, musical composition and builds confidence and self-esteem. The project also helps establish important networks and industry knowledge for those involved and plays a key role in keeping songwriting and storytelling alive and prospering across regional Queensland.

Roz Pappalardo is a lead mentor in this project working with young women across the State to refine and develop their skills as contemporary musicians.



Songs of Murray Street

You can also download a copy of Banging on the Door Touring Spec as a pdf here, and see the full Touring Production Pack on the artour website here.


The Songs of Murray Street was a Community healing project, with community and family representatives and traditional owners following the deaths of eight children in Murray Street  in 2015. It was a partnership with State Government and Red Cross to help the community rebuild and was one of many healing projects initiated at that time. It provided some uplift to give hope to the children of community and allowed expression and healing after the tragedy.




Lead project on various workshops including songwriting workshops, including

*Gympie Regional Council, RASN

*I Heart Songwriting

*Songbirds of Childers

*Regional Lead, Australian Women In Music Awards